About Performance Management Company
Performance Management Company was founded in 1984 by Dr. Scott J. Simmerman after years of consulting and leadership positions in a number of organizations.
Scott holds a doctorate in behavioral neurophysiology (Ph.D.) from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and is a Certified Professional Facilitator (CPF) and Certified Training Professional (CPT). You can find a full profile on LinkedIn (link).
PMC was established as a quality consulting organization but quickly started selling training and development materials to organizations and individuals, becoming a worldwide distribution company in the late 1990s. Our focus is still about offering a variety of products, services and support for management and organizational development, with a primary focus on team building and facilitation.
PMC is dedicated to collaborating with a network of trainers and consultants to help create new ideas and applications for products. We have been working with this business model, designing and selling team building exercises to clients, since 1993. We are a small company by design, which makes us responsive to customers and associates. We collaborate with consulting firms, license and sell our materials, and collaborate on new product development.
Much of our current activities can be found on our blog - Click Here to view our Blog
Brief History -
Combining his experience in business consulting and retail management with a doctoral degree in psychology and university teaching, Scott initially created Performance Management as an organizational consulting business in 1984. Over time, reactions to the unique tools he was developing caused others to want to purchase them -- this became more important and eventually caused a completely new business model.
From that beginning, Scott created an interactive series of Square Wheels illustrations and scenes and visual tools and started a highly successful process of facilitating active involvement and motivation through the use of these illustrations in toolkits and online training. The best and most unique part of this approach was how easy it was to teach to other people, so that they could use these same tools and the same approach to involvement with their people.
Our goal is to sell unique training and development programs at very reasonable prices. These are simple, but powerful and effective tools easily embedded into other training content. Few people ever forget a presentation that includes these interactive metaphorical products. And a number of our clients are still using our tools for more than 20 years!
Scott's belief in engaging people to enjoy a learning experience so they will more readily retain key points, simultaneously evolved into a deep interest in interactive team building activities.
This led to the creation and development of our truly world-class activity, The Search for The Lost Dutchman's Gold Mine. Focused on themes of inter-organizational collaboration, motivation and leadership, it has become one of the leading teambuilding exercises in the world and is used as a component of many leadership development training programs as well as for single large events. It is used by multinational organizations as well as individual consultants and has a global distribution.
You can find a blog summary about our Lost Dutchman user survey and results here.
This SquareWheels.com website will be the training and development website for Performance Management Company where these toolkits and teambuilding games are sold and various exercises and links to other products are shared.
Users of PMC products include a global mix of Fortune 100 companies and multi-national organizations as well as small businesses, schools, universities and independent consultants. Clients are too numerous to mention. Our consultant users of our team building products like SimuRise in India and Work Happiness in Japan continue to give these products broad global exposure.
Scott operates PMC as a home-based business and all products sold and presentations come with a satisfaction guarantee or monies are returned. If you call, you will speak to Scott directly. PMC works enthusiastically with purchasers to support its products, ensuring their success.
For the FUN of It!
Dr. Scott Simmerman is a designer of team building games and organization improvement products. Managing Partner of Performance Management Company since 1984, he is an experienced presenter and consultant who designs simple, powerful learning tools.
Performance Management Company (PMC) has no affiliation with the LEGO® Group nor does it use materials or methodology from LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® or other related organizations. None of our images knowingly reflect any copyrighted or trademarked materials of any other organization. The LEGO Group does not sponsor, authorize or endorse any of these materials. LEGO® is a trademark of The LEGO® Group®
Square Wheels® is a registered trademark of Performance Management Company and The Search for The Lost Dutchman’s Gold Mine™ is a trademark of Performance Management Company and all materials produced by PMC remain the intellectual property of PMC.