This Toolkit's design is, well, “Stupidly Simple” in that there is no required training nor experience needed to use these materials effectively. And, we include a variety of instructional ideas and support, allowing you to understand various situations in which the materials can be used.
The Stupidly Simple Square Wheels Facilitation Toolkit is an easy-to-use and complete toolkit for supervisors and managers and team leaders. The goal is simple: Use the included Square Wheels One image and worksheets to involve and engage your people in workplace improvements and promote the sharing of ideas and opportunities.
This Toolkit easily sets up the opportunity for groups of people to share their ideas about what things might be improved and how things might be done differently. You'll find it a basic tool for asking for ideas and listening to suggestions as it sets up a language for identifying "Square Wheels" and "Round Wheels."
Contents of the Stupidly Simple Toolkit:
- Leader's Tools with Instructional Guide and Materials
- Participant Worksheets and Handouts
- Presentation Video of Square Wheels
- Set of Square Wheels Posters
- A PowerPoint for presenting the Square Wheels One Image
Features and Benefits:
- Easy to use in a variety of situations to involve and engage people in sharing issues and ideas
- It can function as an energizer and meeting starter, easily linking with many topics under discussion
- Works great as the main theme of a performance improvement initiative or easily anchored to your other tools
- It presents a general metaphor about how things work and how improvements can be discovered
- There are no right or wrong answers; it's a "projective" instrument, like an inkblot or Rorschach Test
- Perfect with diverse groups for generating alignment and consensus about issues and opportunities
- The metaphor is about continuous improvement of systems and processes, people and performance
- There are direct links to communications, missions, goals and expectations of what needs to happen
- You will get a very diverse set of reactions from individuals and groups about what they see
- It is completely re-usable, with reproducible handouts and support materials
- It works in every organizational culture and with front-line workers and senior executives
- Simple to purchase with no complex licensing, certification or added fees